Resources & Research About Canine Vitamin D 

Scientific research can be complicated. Here at, we know our customers are thoughtful, discerning dog owners. That's why we've created a list of important resources about canine vitamin D for dogs.

Use the links below to stay up-to-date on the most recent research regarding canine vitamin D, senior dog health and vitamin D supplements for dogs, plus more.

Whether you have a senior dog, a shelter dog, a purebred dog or a mixed breed puppy, stop back often to learn more about canine health topics.

DoggyD vitamin D for dogs: happy dog, happy life


Dr. John Cannell's Google Scholar Page - This link takes you to Dr. John Cannell's Google Scholar page, which links many of his published works. These works are citable. Many have to do with vitamin D for people, but you can also learn about his efforts for education reform and autism treatments.

The American Kennel Club, - the American Kennel Club is the leading authority on purebred dogs in the US. They publish helpful breed information, plus dog show dates and tools to help families choose the right pet for their household. Dog Vitamins: 7 Vitamins Your Dog Needs for a Healthy Life - This expert article explains the importance of canine vitamin D supplements and other nutrients. It's a must-read for dog owners.

Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine - If you're interested in canine nutrition or would like to become a vet, Cornell is a leading US school. It's also a great resource for those looking for citable sources for their work.

The Schwarzman Animal Medical Center - The world's largest veterinary teaching hospital home page.

NIH National Library of Medicine: The Role of Vitamin D in Small Animal Bone Metabolism - Learn about vitamin D and bone health in dogs and other animals. If you're wondering about canine vitamin D, this is an excellent place to start your research.

UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine - Another outstanding vet school, if you'd like to become a vet or learn more about canine health topics, this is a great resource.

DoggyD for Dogs at - Order your canine vitamin D supplement here. Remember, Dr. John Cannell's canine vitamin D supplement is the only product on the market with FDA-approved dosages for dogs by weight.

US Food and Drug Administration: About FDA Product Approval - Here, readers learn about the importance of FDA approval and get to know the process. FDA approval is a challenging task, that's why so few human and canine supplements even attempt it. Vitamin D for Dogs - Purina is a global leader in pet food production. Read their take on the value of vitamin D for dogs here.

AMC Schwarzman Animal Medical Center: Vitamin D and Pets: What You Need to Know - This blog article features more research about the importance of vitamin D supplements for dogs. Key Studies - Check out more studies on the importance of canine vitamin D.